Lucee Changelog

On this page you can find detailed Lucee updates and improvements. In the future this page also includes our roadmap, highlighting the latest ideas and upcoming features. Stay tuned for continuous enhancements and exciting new developments. More information is also available on the downloads page.


Mar 18, 2024

  • Server.cfc breaks cfimport
  • isFlushed() to detect if CFFLUSH has been called
  • Add functions SystemExitHas, SystemExitScan and SystemExitClean (experimental)
  • NPE when Log resource appender has no grand parent directory
  • ReplaceNoCase not working with certain non ascii strings
  • Security access in single mode invalid
  • Default Lucee error page doesn't respect whitespace in tag context code output
  • FormatBaseN() returns different values in Lucee compared to ACF
  • BitAnd and BitOr return wrong numbers for large operations
  • CFFTP doesn't support custom/extended commands

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Lucee 6

Oct 16, 2023

  • Java Code inside CFML
  • CFML Code in Java
  • UDF to Java Lambda Function
  • Inline (Anonymous) Components
  • Query super power
  • Mail: Supercharging Your Email Handling
  • CFTimeout: Managing Code Execution Time
  • Simplified Configuration
  • ConfigImport
  • CFS Templates

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  • Tasks
    • Versatility
    • Ease of Transition
    • Event-Driven Approach
  • Image Extension
    • Broader Format Compatibility
    • JDeli Integration
  • Redis Cache Extension
    • New Library Integration
    • Direct Access with RedisCommand
  • S3 Extension
    • Native Access Functions
    • Support for Additional S3 Providers
    • Library Transitio

Lucee Stable Release

1 Sep 2023

  • Bug Fix
  • 5.4.3 regressions
  • QofQ rounds decimal column type to integer when joining
  • Admin: login prompt for every request
  • Admin Error: requested action doesn't exist
  • Regression: rest header args ignore argument name
  • Performance/page spool lock contention
  • SerializeJSON() produces invalid JSON when serializing some CFC instances
  • Cfadmin-surveillance NPE

Lucee Stable Release

7 Jul 2023

  • NPE in pageSourcePool.clearUnused()
  • Date parsing regression
  • QoQ: data exception: string data, right truncation ; size limit: 1
  • QoQ Regression - incompatible data type in operation
  • Regression in with QoQ and multiple queries: HSQLDB incompatible data type in operation
  • Unbundle hibernate from standard distribution 5.4.1
  • Regression with QofQ - $ in column names no longer work
  • Configurable template cache max pagePool size
  • String lucee.runtime.exp.NativeException: lucee.runtime.type.dt.DateTimeImpl; local class incompatible

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Lucee Stable Release

1 Jul 2023

  • Disable XML entities by default against XXE in Lucee 6.0 & 5.4
  • Admin 5.4 is showing false update banner notifications for extensions
  • Image extension 1.0.0: does not work with Lucee 5.4
  • Update bundled cacerts to jdk-
  • ConfigImport needs to understand datasource allowedselect etc
  • Update mysql to 8.0.33
  • Update postgres jdbc to 42.6.0
  • Migrate build to use Maven Artifact Resolver Ant Tasks instead of Maven Ant Tasks
  • Regression - this.blockedextforfileupload doesn't works for the file upload
  • Show changelog on admin update page

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Lucee Stable Release

21 Jun 2023

  • Updating a new mssql driver in the admin doesn't preserve trust arguments
  • Upgrading to v5.4.0.65 failed due to Felix installation
  • Resource leak in DatasourceConnectionPool 5.3.10
  • OSGI error with memcached driver extension
  • Update HyperSQL 2.7.2 (HSQLDB) for QoQ (CVE)
  • Replace via a struct inserts gibberish when struct keys not found in text
  • Lucee 6 Admin Services - update the default cache connection didn't work
  • Migrate build to use Maven Artifact Resolver Ant Tasks instead of Maven Ant Tasks
  • Regression - this.blockedextforfileupload doesn't works for the file upload
  • Cannot cast String [352.] to a value of type [numeric]
  • QueryParam missing exception should include the SQL
  • Cfpop ignores port attribute
  • Admin: editing a cache throws exception instead of showing error
  • Avoid parsing queryparams in commented out sql
  • Improve placeholder handling for config
  • When there aren't any debugging logs, show debugging status
  • Build must always display Caused by: sections of java stacktraces

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Lucee Stable Release

7 Feb 2023

  • When there aren’t any debugging logs, show debugging status
  • Adding to cookie scope doesn’t inherit application cfcookie tag defaults
  • Log trace of cflocation and allow option to Abort
  • Build must always display Caused by: sections of java stacktraces
  • NPE lucee.runtime.config.ConfigWebUtil.loadAddionalConfig(
  • ConfigImport isn’t importing s3 mappings
  • SetLocale(“English (UK)") does not set United Kingdom locale.
  • ConfigImport extremely slow
  • Admin - (Services - Cache) creating cache throws the error
  • Admin: "column name [otherVersions] already exist;lucee.runtime.exp.DatabaseException: column name [otherVersions] already exist"

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